In the RiverTree family of churches, covenant partnership is the way we describe what it means for us to live out our common mission together as the family of God.  Our covenant with Christ brings us into the family of God, and our partnership with one another is how we fulfill the commission of God together in every place we live, work, and play.  Each church has its local expression of what it means to be “all in” and live as a disciple of Jesus on mission together.

Our mission at First Church of the Resurrection is that we live to raise the dead with Jesus. 

We ask that you commit to and can attest to agreement with the following:

Honoring Multigenerational Faith

I will live a life in relationship Up to the Father, In with the church, and Out to the world, with generations that are not my own.

Gathering in Agape Love

I will attend Sunday worship gatherings consistently and expectantly.

Multiplying Kingdom Leaders

I will serve our church and community through Rez Ministries, Rez Groups, or the One Center for Leadership.

Stewarding Resources Generously

I will give generously and cheerfully a % of my financial resources to the mission of First Church of the Resurrection.

Walking Like the 12

I will love intentionally 12 people with the Lord in my family, workplace, and community.
I AGREE will open a link to a short form for you to complete.
QUESTIONS will open an email to campus staff who will follow up with you.