Minerva Mission


Led by Jeff Evans

We are a group of volunteers who are blessed to be a Blessing to others. Minerva Mission focuses on the needs of children and their families in the Minerva Local school district. Through partnerships with the school, a variety of local churches, and local businesses, Minerva Mission is a diverse group of volunteers and mentors.

The Weapons of Righteousness

HS & College Men | 

Led by JJ Lantz & Liam ???

The purpose of our group is to dive deeper into scripture together and provide young men a sense of community in a world where community lacks. We want to hold each other accountable, pray for each other, encourage one another, and ultimately confidently send people out in our generation to live for Jesus. This group represents 8 different school districts, so everyone is welcome. We invite believers, non-believers, and everything in between. We want people to feel safe, seen and loved.